Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Where have I been?

Where oh where have I been? I know I promised that I would update once, or twice a week, or at least try to! And then I up and vanished! What happened? Well, this happened.

Which lead to this;

And ...four months worth of healing before I could walk properly again. For those who don't know how to look at or read x-ray, the summation is this; The little bone on the ---> side that is now held in place with two pins (that's the long white screw things) went WAHEY the hell west and dislodged my fibula. It went WAHEY because <----- that side of my ankle, well, there's a bone that is supposed to brofist my fibula, but instead it did a highfive and it was just awkward. I can just hear you all now, 'how did you manage to break BOTH sides of your ankle? Did you get up and try to walk or something?! o.o' 

The answer is yes. Yes I did get up and try to walk. But no, that is not how I broke the other side. See, I was ice skating, with a friend, and given my fondness for food and how well padded I am, I can take a fall and slide on the ice. This being my fifth tumble of the day (of a whole 20 minutes), he, being the lovely person he is, tried to -catch- me and stop my fall. I was six inches from the wall so couldn't fall -that- way, and he is significantly less well padded than I. So my concern went from 'okay so I can't break anything, bruises are fine' to 'oh my god I can't land on him he will go splat!!!! o.o' aaaand thusly my right ankle discovered it's inner bobble headed doll as it snapped down and then went side to side aaand we have a high five where there should be a brofist and WAHEY I aint part of nunna that.

On the plus note! I am perfectly well and mostly recovered now, with just a mild limp when I'm tired/cold/not concentrating, and I am part cyborg, fully anticipating and looking forward to sending all airport security everywhere into a huge panic :D

As this is a food blog, and I have no new recipe for you today, but I am better so let's have a celebration; here is some cake.

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