Just a nice easy thing today! I don't know about you, but whenever I go to cafe's I always order an iced chocolate, and it comes in this taaaaaaall glass with icecream and zzht cream (it's the cream in a can? The zzht is the sound it makes. No I don't know what it's called! Always said zzht cream. It works.) and cocoa sprinkled on top. And... you end up with an issue. There is either this LAYER of chocolate sludge at the bottom of the glass that is -way- too thick to be edible, or, there's not enough chocolate flavour in the milk and it is just pleh with more pleh. So! I make my own, occasionally, when I have a craving for them. I don't like milk, and I'm semi-lactose intolerant, so the only time I can usually have icecream and the like is in winter. Or, like now, when it's the middle of the night and the temperature is heading downwards.
Anyways! For this you will need:
~1 Tbsp vanilla icecream
1-1 1/2 cup of milk
1/4 cup of water
4 tsp of milo (it's an aussie drink, malted barley and cocoa powder) or drinking chocolate
1-2 tsp of sugar (depends on your sweet tooth)
The absolute -hardest- part of this recipe? Waiting. You know it is going to taste DELICIOUS but it needs to be -icy- cold. So, it has to sit in the freezer for an hour to an hour and a half for maximum deliciousness.
Get a glass that will hold around 300ml of liquid. Put the four teaspoons of your drinking chocolate, or milo into the bottom of the glass, and add the sugar. Put the kettle on to boil. Once it has boiled, pour -just- enough hot water in to cover the powder, and melt it. Stir to make sure the sugar is completely dissolved and top up with milk.
Don't completely fill the glass to where you would normally, if you were drinking it straight away, leave room for the icecream! Which means you need around an inch or two from the top of the glass to be 'empty'.
Now, you put the drink into the freezer. And wait. And wait.
Ideally, you do this -before- you cook dinner, or whatever it is you're doing, distract yourself. This way, you can cook dinner, serve it up, eat it, and then serve dessert with the glass and the chocolate milk within icy cold. Oh, also, while you're doing whatever in that hour period of waiting, periodically stir it. That saves all the chocolate goodness from settling on the bottom of the glass and keeps the milk delicious from surface to base.
Once the milk is icy cold (and it has to be really really really cold!) pull out the icecream, using a teaspoon drag two curls of the icecream from the mass and carefully put them in the drink. One or two curls, it depends on how much space you left for it beforehand.
Slip the spoon into the glass and give it to the wonderful people you are spoiling. So good. So sweet. So delicious. As the glass warms up in your hands, the icecream melts, just slowly, so that by the time you've eaten all the icecream, you have -really- creamy chocolate milk to drink, and it completely counteracts the watering down that occurred with the necessary boiling water at the first stages of preparation.
Deliciousness Delivered.
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